If you just got here and missed the pink TIB - where the hell were you? :)
Okay, so I slept in last year too, which is why this one was timed. At a little after 12a.m. the site automatically switched to a pink front page, complete with a slightly different list of Pearls of wisdom. My own site also went black and displayed the date of March 32nd.
This news story previously pointed to a new news site, RISC OS is we!. It currently has two news stories, one about Acorn's downfall being due to nut allergies, and another about the arrest of ArgoNet staff that I was supposed to use last year.
If I might be serious for a while, it is our intention to not only keep RISC OS is we! going, but also to introduce a new site, riscos.me.uk (which currently points to TIB). The first will continue to be a spoof RISC OS news site, because hey, we all need a laugh now and then no matter what the date. The latter is intended to be a general purpose "About RISC OS" site with info on the OS, and hopefully some accounts of personal experiences. If you're interested in helping out with either, please email us at news@iconbar.com. I'm serious!