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The Icon Bar: News and features: Doctor Who Clip Search

Doctor Who Clip Search

Posted by John Hoare on 16:50, 10/3/2007 |
Slightly outside our usual remit, this, but I thought I'd just pass on this message from the Doctor Who Restoration Team:
"We are keen to hear from anyone who has material recorded off-air that may not exist in official archives that would be of interest to Doctor Who fans and posterity, which we could include in future DVDs. Without help from a few fans in the past, we would not have had items on the DVDs such as any of the 'Swap Shop', 'Pebble Mill' or 'Nationwide' interviews, BSB interview segments, trailers and continuity announcements. Although we have access to a large number of items, coverage remains patchy. We are sure that there are many clips out there which we do not have, or which are in better quality than our current holdings. We want to avoid the situation where, after a DVD is released, someone approaches us with a better copy of something, or extra material which could have improved the release."
The Who DVD releases are some of the best archive telly releases ever produced; so if you think you have anything that could make them even better, then why not have a rummage and get in touch with them?
  Doctor Who Clip Search
  monkeyson2 (11:34 11/3/2007)
  moss (11:42 11/3/2007)
    monkeyson2 (11:45 11/3/2007)
      Loris (18:07 11/3/2007)
        flibble (12:37 12/3/2007)
          moss (15:30 12/3/2007)
            flibble (16:15 12/3/2007)
              moss (16:44 12/3/2007)
Phil Mellor Message #99751, posted by monkeyson2 at 11:34, 11/3/2007
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
So they're happy for viewers to have indulged in home recording when it suits them (see also the request for the "lost" BBC TV coverage of 9/11), but how will this work when they DRM everything and invoke huge penalties for infringing copyright?
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John Hoare Message #99752, posted by moss at 11:42, 11/3/2007, in reply to message #99751

Posts: 9348
So they're happy for viewers to have indulged in home recording when it suits them (see also the request for the "lost" BBC TV coverage of 9/11), but how will this work when they DRM everything and invoke huge penalties for infringing copyright?
It's two arms of the BBC working against each other, admittedly - although the DRM stuff is less to do with the BBC wanting to be cunts, and more to do with the way telly works (actor contracts, etc) clashing with new media in a rather unholy way.

But that's not the Restoration Team's fault. They're the good guys, who are just trying to make decent DVDs of a great programme.

EDIT: Actuslly, come to think of it, it's not two arms of the BBC at all - the Restoration Team work for 2entertain, not the BBC...

[Edited by moss at 11:58, 11/3/2007]
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Phil Mellor Message #99753, posted by monkeyson2 at 11:45, 11/3/2007, in reply to message #99752
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
But that's not the Restoration Team's fault. They're the good guys, who are just trying to make decent DVDs of a great programme.
^ This.
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Tony Haines Message #99775, posted by Loris at 18:07, 11/3/2007, in reply to message #99753
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
/mercenary mode ON
So what is a clip worth to them then?

Not that I have any, I got my recorder in 2005.

[Edited by Loris at 18:08, 11/3/2007]
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Peter Howkins Message #99803, posted by flibble at 12:37, 12/3/2007, in reply to message #99775

Posts: 891
I'd rather they forgot about the extras, dropped the price and just got on with releasing them. They spent over 20 years releasing VHS tapes and still didn't manage to release all of them.

Oh and season box sets would be nice, think RD 'just the shows'.
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John Hoare Message #99822, posted by moss at 15:30, 12/3/2007, in reply to message #99803

Posts: 9348
I'd rather they forgot about the extras, dropped the price and just got on with releasing them. They spent over 20 years releasing VHS tapes and still didn't manage to release all of them.
Can't agree, I'm afraid. I adore the extras on Who DVDs - they're some of the best produced extras on any DVDs released, and they give a real insight into the programme. 'Origins' on the Beginning boxset is a stunning piece of work for a DVD release. Still, I'm really interested in that kind of thing - I know a lot of people aren't interested in extras at all.

They *have* increased the release speed though - there's now 10 releases a year rather than six, with four of those releases closer to vanillas - just a commentary, production subtitles, photo gallery, and sometimes another extra, such as a documentary. I think that's an acceptable compromise between our two views.

They did release each story on VHS, didn't they? It's just that a few of them were omnibus editions that combined the episodes, rather than having them seperately.

Oh and season box sets would be nice, think RD 'just the shows'.
They *will* be releasing season boxsets - but only as repackages of existing titles. A lot of the releases this year and next year are going to be ones that will complete certain seasons - so they can then be rereleased as boxsets. They only need to release 'Battlefield' so they can release a Season 26 boxset, for instance...
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Peter Howkins Message #99832, posted by flibble at 16:15, 12/3/2007, in reply to message #99822

Posts: 891
They *have* increased the release speed though - there's now 10 releases a year rather than six
Woo, they might be done in another 11 years instead of another 18.
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John Hoare Message #99837, posted by moss at 16:44, 12/3/2007, in reply to message #99832

Posts: 9348
They *have* increased the release speed though - there's now 10 releases a year rather than six
Woo, they might be done in another 11 years instead of another 18.
You'll never please everyone. Release them the way you want them done, and there would be outcry from the fans such as me who want to see a decent set of extras for each release. I'm glad they're being done the way they are - and 10 releases of Who is enough a year for me, whatever the price. I need to be able to buy and watch other stuff.

I believe they've got a target of around 2014 for completion though, so they'll probably speed up a bit towards the end.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Doctor Who Clip Search