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Tiny Scotsman is energy-efficient supercomputer

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 13:25, 22/3/2007 | , , , ,
Scottish companies Nallatech and Alpha Data have revealed "Maxwell", an FGPA-based supercomputer that is 10 times more energy efficient and up to 300 times faster than traditional equivalents. By reprogramming the FPGA chips at runtime, the machine is able to perform some calculations much more efficiently than a traditional computer, in a way somewhat reminiscent of the ill-fated Omega from MicroDigitalInfo. The design also requires less space and cooling than traditional supercomputers. Although the technology behind the machine is sound, there are still some implementation issues to resolve, such as determining the best way of programming the FPGAs for a given problem.
It's reported that other companies are also looking at using FPGAs in large numbers to produce similar supercomputers.
Knews knicked from CNET
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RISC OS - the week in comments

Posted by Phil Mellor on 12:00, 3/3/2007 | , , , , , , ,
Big BrotherOr: we read the newsgroups so you don't have to.
In this new, hopefully regular, column we collate the interesting, informative and funny comments posted on all the RISC OS web sites and newsgroups throughout the week. Our telescreens are everywhere, and we are always listening.
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Wakefield 2006 show report

Posted by Phil Mellor on 00:00, 14/5/2006 | , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Advantage 6

One year on from when the A9home was first unveiled - it was infact sneaked into the Advantage 6 show theatre in a "makeup bag" - we see the release of the A9home.
CJEInfo, who are A6's retail partners for the A9, were "so happy" with the hardware and progress, that they were confident to begin selling it at the show.
While A6 were disappointed that they are not yet able to totally sign-off the project - there are still niggles, not major problems, with the system, such as providing USB printing (32 bit printer drivers) and the serial port is apparently "not good".
So while the A9home is "not ready for everybody", it is "getting very close". People will have to be patient for the "I want everything release". The iterative beta testing programme shows there is still some work to do, but everything is "much closer each time things go out".

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50,000 shares, Iyonix Select and a Belated Happy Birthday

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 18:00, 3/2/2006 | , , , , , , , , ,
ROL LogoRISCOS LtdInfo have been in touch detailing their achievements over the 8 years they have been trading, and have announced that a 50,000 ordinary share issue will take place soon.

In summary:

  • 6400 copies of RISC OS 4.02 sold with upgrade copies alone generating £370,000 (exc VAT) sales over the last 6 years.
  • Over 1900 copies of RISC OS 4 supplied in new computers from CastleInfo Technology, MicroDigitalInfo, RiscStationInfo and Advantage 6.
  • RISC OS 4.39 recently sold its 500th copy.
  • Sales of Virtual Acorn add "several thousand more copies to the total number of current RISC OS users"
Paul Middleton, MD of RISCOS Ltd also told us that "the personalised special offer for RISC OS 3.X and RISC OS 4.0X users who want to upgrade to RISC OS 4.39 is still available" although "It is NOT suitable for MicroDigital Mico users as those computers do not have the required ROM sockets."

At the 2004 RISCOS Ltd AGM it was agreed to issue 50,000 ordinary shares. ROL will be shortly issuing these, and ask anyone who is interested in investing to contact them. (details in the Press Release) Previously, ROL shares have been sold for around £1.25 each with 50 new investors allowed each year, so this share issue has the potential to raise more than £50,000.

Money raised from the share issue will be "used to fund further development of RISC OS 4 beyond the limits of the cashflow generated by sales of RISC OS "Select" subscriptions and RISC OS "Adjust" ROMs. It will also be used to fund the development and acquisition of complimentary technologies for RISC OS."

Paul Middleton also detailed that "The full launch of the A9 computer, and then Select 4, are currently targetted for around May this year", perhaps at the Wakefield show, "and once completed attention can be focussed on the Iyonix". However, despite meeting the 100 user pledge target for Iyonix Select Paul said that "the current level of pledges is insufficient to cover the full amount of work needed. It is likely therefore that the first stage will be a limited release of features to users who have continued with their Select subscriptions and who pay a supplement."

Press Release


5 comments in the forums

Podcast 2

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 19:14, 8/8/2005 | , , , , , , , , , ,
Paul Vigay as a babyPodcast 2 is now ready - a companion piece to the first, so not quite as long (17:20), but it does come with added telephonic communications.
  • Update: what we've found out about RISC OS software
  • News: new IYONIX cases; Spellings Computer Services is 10; RiScript 5; Risc World DVD; new Rage PCI software; Microdigital
  • Features: Acorn tat; Simon Challands talks about Elite
  • Letters: developers on RISC OS, and using BASIC
  • Misc: how to get in touch; Virtual Vigay goes on strike
  • Music: more music by Jason Tribbeck
I've encoded it at an even lower rate (which isn't kind to Jason's music - sorry Jase!) and then did a super-duper low rate version for people on dialup.

Links: Podcast 2 || dialup version || FTP directory

13 comments in the forums

Wakefield 2001 show report

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 01:00, 5/7/2005 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
A quiet and, given the recent revelations from RISC OS one might be tempted to say subdued, Wakefield show this year; however, well worth a visit if you want to see all the latest developments in RISC OS hardware, and pick up a few bargains at the same time.
The car held together there and back, so big thanks to Jason Tribbeck for the lift. There weren't any great surprises over what we speculated about in the previews, and given that there wasn't quite so many Internet connected machines here as there was at the Epsom show I decided to come home and upload all the photographs along with the report.
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Wakefield 2002 show report

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 01:00, 2/7/2005 | , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Well, it was a ten hour round journey on Saturday (not counting the detour via a gridlocked Nottingham to pick up a broken computer), and Sunday was spent kicking the servers at the office back into working condition, so apologies for the lateness of this report. Thanks to Jason Tribbeck for ferrying your non-driving roving reporter around.
We arrived at exactly 11a.m., and as before the place wasn't exactly heaving - but I've since heard from one stall holder that he doubled last year's takings just on Saturday so either he's really improved his sales technique and stock, or I turned up at a slack time. I kind of like being able to walk around, breath etc. at a show though, so no complaints. New hardware was hard to see - the RiscStation portableInfo spent a "fleeting" hour at the show (just not while I was there), and no Omega, but I did get the next best thing - to talk to Dave Holden, the only outsider to have seen the Omega with his own eyes.
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Wakefield 2004 show report

Posted by Phil Mellor on 01:00, 2/7/2005 | , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
A full report of Saturday's events has been published - but here are the photos from our roving reporter.
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Wakefield 2005 show report (pictures)

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Wakefield 2005 show report

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Omega LegPuller at ROUGOL meeting

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A summary of RISC OS hardware

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News in brief

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RISC OS Crisis Over: CTL and ROL hold talks.

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