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Voting now open for 2016 RISC OS Awards

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 15:45, 18/12/2016 | , ,
For the past few years Vince Hudd of RISCOSitory has been organising the community-led RISC OS Awards, and he's just announced that the voting form for the 2016 awards is now available. And unlike some other votes that have happened this year, the RISC OS Awards can only lead to good things, so please head on over and take a look.
The voting form will be up until late February, which means the results are to be expected sometime in March.
Comment in the forums

Voting open for RISC OS Awards 2014

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 12:20, 8/12/2014 | ,
Vince Hudd of RISCOSitory and Soft Rock Software has announced that voting for the 2014 RISC OS Awards is now open.
Unlike with previous years, each category no longer has a set of pre-selected options which the voters must choose from. Instead, voters are given the full freedom to vote for whomever or whatever they wish. There are also several new categories to vote for, including best foreign language resource, and the "broken cog" award for the biggest failing/disappointment.
The polls are due to close at the end of January, but there's no reason why you shouldn't vote now if you've already made up your mind.
2 comments in the forums

The Icon Bar Awards 2009

Posted by Phil Mellor on 00:00, 1/1/2010 | ,
The Icon Bar Awards 2009 logoHappy new year! The votes have been counted and we're pleased to announce the winners of The Icon Bar Awards for 2009. Thanks to everyone who took part and congratulations to all the nominees on the shortlist.
And here are the results:
  • Best commercial product
    Winner: PostScript 3
    Runner-up: ArtWorks 2.9
  • Best non-commercial product
    Winner: NetSurf
    Runner-up: GCC
  • Best new development
    Winner: RISC OS Open on BeagleBoard
    Runner-up: Tie between Micro Men & V-Pod!
  • Best show
    Winner: Sophie Wilson at Alt Party 2009
    Runner-up: ROUGOL
Read on for more details, including our two Special Awards for significant and lasting contributions to the RISC OS community.
Continue reading "The Icon Bar Awards 2009" | 18 comments in the forums

Vote for the Icon Bar Awards 2009

Posted by Phil Mellor on 23:59, 21/12/2009 | ,
Thanks for your nominations for the inaugural Icon Bar awards. It's now time for you to choose the winners, so click here to vote! The polls will remain open until the end of the year and the results will be revealed on New Year's Day. The nominees are:

Best Commercial Product

  • ArtWorks 2.9
  • Dual-head ViewFinder
  • LuaFox
  • Organizer 2
  • PostScript3 drivers
  • RISC OS 6
  • WebWonder

Best Non-Commercial Product

  • Dave Higton's USB toys
  • DigitalCD 3
  • Firefox
  • GCC
  • NetSurf
  • StrongEd
The Icon Bar Awards 2009 logo

Best New Development

  • BBC Four's Micro Men
  • RISC OS Open on BeagleBoard
  • V-Pod Graphics Card

Best Show

  • Acorn World / Retro Reunited
  • MUG Christmas Show
  • ROUGOL Show
  • Sophie Wilson at Alt Party 2009
  • Wakefield Show

Vote for The Icon Bar Awards 2009
Please note that you must be logged in to vote - please register if you have not already done so.
13 comments in the forums

Nominations open for the Drobe Icon Bar awards 2009

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 20:30, 13/12/2009 | , , , , ,
For the past several years Drobe have run their yearly Drobe awards, in which members of the public nominate and vote for the RISC OS products and people who they believe have best served the platform over the course of the year. After a quick check with Drobe foreman Chris Williams to make sure he wasn't planning on running the awards this year, the staff at TIB decided it would be a good idea if we picked up the metaphorical torch and ran the awards ourselves. So, ladies and gentlemen, prepare for the first annual Icon Bar awards!
This year there will be four categories open for nomination. Once a suitable number of nominations have been collected, the voting booths will be opened. Then at the end of the year the votes will be tallied and the winner and runner-up for each category will be revealed. The categories for this year are:
  • Best commercial product
  • Best non-commercial product
  • Best new development
  • Best RISC OS show/event
Of course, if you want to nominate something that doesn't fit into any of the above categories, feel free to send it in and we'll see what we can do!
Update: Thanks for all your suggestions. Voting is now open until the end of the year.
23 comments in the forums
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