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The Icon Bar: News and features: News, news and then no news

News, news and then no news

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 15:54, 1/6/2004 | ,
It looks like it's been a bit of a slow time for news these last couple of weeks, so here's a brief roundup of what's been going on:

New game from Neil White

As reported on Drobe a few days ago, budding author Neil White has released his latest creation - Cman, aka Craze Man. It's a simple yet effective pacman clone, representing Neil's first foray into C programming. There's no sound and the ghosts aren't killable, but in my opinion that just makes it a bit trickier compared to the hundreds of other pacman clones out there. The source code is included in the download though, so you can always add a power pill or two if you feel inclined to do so.

Donated copies of Hamsters and Wavelength received

As you probably know, over the past few months we've been building up a collection of Eclipse's games for our free games section, following their licence status change in February. Although it's been a bit quiet for a while, a couple of weeks ago we were quite surprised when we received no less than three offers of Hamsters and one of Wavelength - so thanks to Matthew Thompson, Chris Joseph and Jason Tribbeck for contributing! This means that we now have copies of FRED, Hamsters, Raw Power and Wavelength in testing - all due to be released 'soon'™ However we are still looking for full versions of Dinosaw and Worldscape, so if you have a copy of either then please get in touch!
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The Icon Bar: News and features: News, news and then no news