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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISCOS Ltd. AGM and Flyers

RISCOS Ltd. AGM and Flyers

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 10:14, 21/8/2002 | , , , ,
RISCOS Ltd. flyerRISCOS Ltd. are opening up their AGM to the public this year - check out this press release:
The RISCOS Ltd 2002 AGM is to be held as follows:-

Quy Mill Hotel,
Newmarket Road,
Stow Cum Quy,

on Friday 27th September 2002 at 1.30 p.m for 2.00 p.m

For the first time this meeting will open to the General Public as well as Shareholders.

Anyone wishing to attend should request an Invitation before 20th September 2002 to ensure that adequate accomodation is available.

If you want to ask any questions at the AGM please submit them in advance of the Meeting so that suitable information can be made available.

Please send requests by Post or Email to :-

Paul Middleton

3 Clarendon Road
CF23 9JD

And while you're at it, why not take a peek at the snazzy promotional brochures available from http://www.riscos.com/brochure/index.htm? Sensibly available in both PDF and Drawfile format (PDF viewer available here) these point out all the good points of RISC OS - although some people are a bit dubious about the comments about RISC OS being more secure for being closed source, after all, it hasn't helped Microsoft much.

Source: RISCOS Ltd.

  RISCOS Ltd. AGM and Flyers
  tribbles (11:58 21/8/2002)
  tribbles (12:06 21/8/2002)
    SparkY (13:56 21/8/2002)
      guestx (10:57 29/8/2002)
        moss (11:34 29/8/2002)
Jason Tribbeck Message #91239, posted by tribbles at 11:58, 21/8/2002
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Couldn't they put the brochure through a spell checker first?

I've found five spelling mistakes and one typo on the first page alone. (Although I've only counted two spelling mistakes, and one typo in the other three pages).

Also, I'm not entirely sure that they should be pushing proprietary code; especially with the reason why Open Source isn't used....

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Jason Tribbeck Message #91240, posted by tribbles at 12:06, 21/8/2002, in reply to message #91239
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Other things I'm not happy about:

- Spaces not in long filenames.

- Acorn using 26bit mode in a 32bit processor (there wasn't a true 32bit mode at the time).

- The strange mix between too much information and not enough (compare pages 1 and 3). To me, it's hard to know where this is pitched (ie. marketing or developers).

There's also a lot of negatives given (as in "you can't do XYZ with RISC OS which you can do in ZYX"), which although they are meant to show RISC OS in a better light, they appear to detract from RISC OS.

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Gavin Smith Message #91241, posted by SparkY at 13:56, 21/8/2002, in reply to message #91240
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
Posts: 697
Agree on the spelling and open source thing, but apart from that I think it's actually a pretty damn good document. I was quite impressed.
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GuestX Message #91242, posted by guestx at 10:57, 29/8/2002, in reply to message #91241
Posts: 102
Yes, what an advantage "proprietary code" is! Especially when the number of people working on such code today is probably barely enough to keep up with the ever-escalating requirements on a "hello world" program, let alone an operating system and desktop environment.

Meanwhile, RISC OS Ltd. manage to recognise the utility of GCC - a project which wouldn't be where it is today were it not for the "open source" nature of its development.

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John Hoare Message #91243, posted by moss at 11:34, 29/8/2002, in reply to message #91242

Posts: 9348
See http://iconbar.com/forums/viewthread.php?threadid=1756 for my comments. :-)
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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISCOS Ltd. AGM and Flyers