The Icon Bar Message Updates Technology news and views RISC OS 5.30 arrives It was pretty tricky in 1996-ish. You may have had that floppy, but where were you to obtain Acorn-format/content floppies? Getting your new Risc PC on the Internet was bothersome. RISC OS 5.30 arrives At least the RiscPC had a floppy drive you could directly get software onto the platform with (equivalent of inserting a USB stick). The current distribution could do with a modal popup... RISC OS 5.30 arrives I agree with this sentiment: the entire platform is a minefield for 'getting started'. I set up a Pi back in 2017-ish, and it wasn't simple. Yet I'd been using RISC OS from 1988 to 2002! RISC OS 5.30 arrives Yeah, the standard ROOL image has been criticised before for being rather, err... bland :-( It's basically still the RiscPC disc image from 30 years ago! RISC OS 5.30 arrives Appear to have missed a trick, or several, at least with the Pi image. Rougol May 2024 meeting on monday with Andy Vawer Another excellent meeting this forthcoming Monday. Looking forward to hearing to what all Andy has to say. Drag'n'Drop 13i3 edition reviewed Will the Style to HTML converter also work with Publisher and Publisher Plus documents? Wakefield Show 2024 in Pictures Is a show report being written or are we not getting one? April 2024 News Summary Compo was always one of those particularly brilliant RISC OS programs and having it back would be quite the boon. RISC OS 5.30 arrives I love how the RISC OS scene is still alive and kicking over 25 years after Black Thursday. Sure, there's some major work to do, like 64bit, but what's been achieved so far is brilliant. The fact that RISC OS itself is still actively developed, as is software to run on it, is no mean feat. Well done, guys, and thank you!